New Titles
Stuck on the Platform:
Reclaiming the Internet
Geert Lovink
2022, Valiz
240 pp. | 24 x 14.8 cm (h x w) | English
ISBN 978-94-93246-08-9 | € 25,00
We’re all trapped. No matter how hard you try to delete apps from your phone, the power of seduction draws you back. Doom scrolling is the new normal of a 24/7 online life. What happens when your home office starts to feel like a call center and you’re too fried to log out of Facebook? We’re addicted to large-scale platforms, unable to return to the frivolous age of decentralized networks. How do we make sense of the rising disaffection with the platform condition? Zoom fatigue, cancel culture, crypto art, NFTs and psychic regression comprise core elements of a general theory of platform culture. Geert Lovink argues that we reclaim the internet on our own terms. Stuck on the Platform is a relapse-resistant story about the rise of platform alternatives, built on a deep understanding of the digital slump.
Design: Irene Stracuzzi
Supported by: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Curating Digital Art:
From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-curation
Annet Dekker (ed.)
2021, Valiz
352 pp. | 24 x 14.8 cm (h x w) | English
ISBN 978-94-93246-01-0 | € 26,50
What is the role of the curator when organizing digital art exhibitions in offline and online spaces? This book focuses on how the experiments of curators, artists and designers have opened the possibility to reconfigure traditional models and methods of presenting and accessing digital art. In the process, it addresses how web-based practices challenge certain established museological values and precipitate alternative ways of understanding art's stewardship, curatorial responsibility, public access and art history. Through more than twenty interviews with artists and curators in the course of the last ten years, and flanked by an extensive timeline, the reader of this publication is given an insight into the discourse on digital art and its curation today.
Design: Irene Stracuzzi
Supported by: Creative Industries Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NL